Assessing the efficiency of Matooke peel and Amaranthus Cruentus extracts for reducing the cooking time of Phaseolus Vulgaris.
Matooke peel ash filtrate and amaranthus plant ash filtrate have been used as condiments for a long time by various ethnic groups in East and northern Uganda in cooking traditional dishes. The aim of the study was to investigate whether Matooke peel ash filtrate and amaranthus plant ash filtrate had similar effects and functional attributes in reducing cooking time of common beans when added to traditional common beans during cooking as compared to magadi and baking soda. Volumetric analysis was carried out to determine the bioavailability of sodium bicarbonate. The results indicated that high concentrations of sodium ions (63.15%) and (40.60%) were observed in Matooke peel ash filtrate and amaranthus plant ash filtrate, respectively. The mean pH for all samples, magadi soda (9.75), baking soda (9.37), amaranthus ash filtrate (11.08), Matooke peel ash filtrate (11.83), a combination of Matooke peel and amaranthus ash (11.68) and water (7.50) were significantly different indicating that all aqueous solutions except water had alkaline properties.
Cooking times for the samples were significantly different (P < 0.05) when cooked in different samples of salts. Cooking time for mature common beans was reduced from 2:45 hours for beans boiled in plain water to 1:24hours for beans boiled in banana peel extract, 1:38 h for amaranthus ash filtrate, 1:45 h for the combination, 1:42 h for baking soda and 1:30 for magadi.
Sensory evaluation revealed that while common beans cooked in Magadi and baking soda additive were palatable in taste and texture, beans cooked in Matooke peel extract and Amaranthus ash extract were lighter in color and more acceptable. Overall, the common beans cooked in Matooke peel extract were more palatable than those cooked with other additives. Further product development in incorporating Matooke peel extract and Amaranthus ash extract in hard to cook legumes country wide needs to be carried out to improve consumer acceptability