dc.description.abstract | This study focused on the determinatsof the tourist’s choice of transport mode and mobility within Uganda. The study was conducted in touristic spots like hotels, destinations, malls, beaches, restaurants or hotels around the regions of Entebbe, Kajjansi and Kampala region. The general objective of this study was to enable tourists’ make informed choice of the cost effective and reliable transport mode and mobility upon arrival in Uganda. The objectives of the study were; to assess tourists’ mobility while in the country, examine factors that determine tourists’ choice of transport mode and document challenges associated with the mode of transport used by tourists. My research examined how tourists choose the mode of transport they use upon arrival in the country, how tourists move/travel while in the country, factors influence choice of transport mode used by tourists, and challenges faced by tourists when using the transport modes they have chosen upon arrival in Uganda.
The study adopted qualitative research design in which quantitative and qualitative methods were used to collect data on determinants of choice of transport mode upon arrival at Entebbe and in Kampala areas. Semi structured questionnaire was use to collect data on tour companies and tourists on the determinants of tourists choice of transport mode and mobility in Uganda. It was found that factors such as distance, time, fares/prices, comfort, status, security age, geographical positions gender, and safety determine tourists choice of mode of transport.. Furthermore, road transport is the commonly used mode of transport by travelers besides air travel /domestic flights and other alternatives of water and rail transport modes .The respondents claimed that although road transport is the commonly used and available mode of transport in Uganda but it needs to be improved and some of the claims were poor roads, traffic jam, expensive, overcrowding , police fines on roads, fuel prices, bad weather, pollution pot holes and humps, among others plus challenges faced by tour companies . Given the general reported results, it is recommended that there is need to improve on roads, stopovers , capacity building on clients handling by guides and drivers, lobbying. There is need to change from private car user modes like special hire by tourists to public transport user modes like car sharing opts for example coaches and buses. | en_US |