A case study showing the socio-economic causes of sand mining and community realization of impacts along river Kafu wetland in Butema ward, Buhanika division, Hoima municipality
Increased demand for sand by the people living around river Kafu wetland and those in the nearby
towns like Hoima, Kikonda is the major cause of sand mining. Increased demand for sand comes
from increased population in the nearby towns which comes with development and need to
develop infrastructure. The study covered both positive and negative impacts caused by
continuous sand extraction along river Kafu wetland in Butema ward Buhanika division.
Quantitative and qualitative research methods were used in this study. Interviews and field
observation were used to collect data from selected sample points in the nearness of sand mining
areas to investigate the extent of the impacts of sand mining activities on the people living around.
50 respondents were picked to take part in questionnaire survey but only 40 respondents were
picked were picked using rotary sampling because of the small population per village. Locations
from Kasambya, KIkabura and Kayera villages were selected because they were near river Kafu
were sand is being mined.
Findings of the study states that, sand itself is beyond government land and is owned by
Mr.Mwesige John and the family who claim that sand exist in their land with 3/4 of the village
land belonging to them and 90% of the population just renting the land. 40 respondents were
interviewed were by 50 percent of the interviewed respondents were male and 50 percent female.
The inclusion criteria for the questionnaire survey was on any male of female above 18 years who
was available in the sampled households and voluntarily took part in the study.
Mining is important for construction of roads and houses; employment creation; and household
income generation but its digging leaves pits behind which results into stagnation of water and
loss of land for agriculture. Erosion and degradation occur due to continued digging of sand as
well as noise disruption of community activities like schools being caused by movement of trucks
collecting sand from extraction sites.
The government should put the National environment [the wetlands, river banks and lakeshores
management] regulations, 2000 into action because it can help protect the wetland and activities
being done along the wetland like sand mining for example under part11, [management of
wetlands and wetland resources] states that the government or the local government shall hold in
trust for the people and protect the wetland for the good of the citizens of Uganda as well as not
lease out any wetland. EIA on wetlands should be carried out whether within the wetland or its
catchment should be assessed and mitigation measures put in place to reduce the impacts of any
sand mining activity