Assessing the potential of plastic recycling on reducing environmental pollution in Mbarara city, Mbarara district
Plastic recycling has currently gained attention as one of the reliable measures towards plastic
waste management. This study, aimed at assessing the potential of plastic recycling on reducing
environmental pollution in Mbarara city, Mbarara district. The knowledge of residents on plastic
recycling, different types and sources of plastic waste as well as costs and benefits of plastic
recycling in Mbarara district were examined.
The study adopted a descriptive case study research design were both qualitative and quantitative
methods were used gain an in depth understanding about phenomenon and perceptions towards
the potential of plastic recycling on reducing pollution of the environment.
Findings reveled that majority of the residents in Mbarara district were knowledgeable about
plastic recycling while low density polyethene and high density polyethene were found to be the
main types of plastic waste generated in the city. It was also determined that homes, hospitals
and schools were the main source of plastic waste. The study therefore suggested there is need
for government to greatly expose community members to the available plastic waste recycling
processes through sensitizing the people on the importance of proper waste management