Assessment of determinants and barriers to the uptake of ecosystem based adaptation practices in Lake Victoria crescent. A case study of Buyengo Subcounty Jinja District.
Climate change impacts have become more pronounced across the globe affecting many
sectors especially the agriculture. The agricultural sector is currently affected by impacts of
climate change that have become more pronounced in Buyengo subcounty and Uganda as a
whole due to dependence on rain fall.
Interest in Agriculture has increased as a priority sector for climate adaptation in both national
and international policy discussions. Ecosystem-based Adaptation have been proposed as
potential adaptation strategies for smallholder farmers that depend on rainfed agriculture to
adapt to adverse impacts of climate change.
The study identifies which EBA are currently practiced and how gender is influencing the
uptake of these EBA practices. A cross-sectional survey was used to collect data among the
randomly selected households using a semi-structured questionnaire with a proportionate
number of 100 respondents among communities of Buyengo subcounty. Descriptive statistics
were used to characterize biophysical and socioeconomic factors with both the presence of
individual EbA practices.
The results derived from community engagement show that EBA are widely practiced
especially by the female (64.3%) and married with an age range of 26-35 years (26.7%) who
attained Primary level of education and household size of five to ten. Therefore, uptake of EBA
practices are influenced by both the socioeconomic and biophysical factors.
Popularization of EBA practices should be done for those practices that draw knowledge from
traditional and informal education to popularize EBAs should be organized at local context
when determining the implications of climate change and solutions to adapt to these changes,
this because climate change impacts varies across regions, nations, provinces and locally
affects communities including and gender groups differently. EbA approaches that recognize
gender roles, dynamics, understanding of gender, social differences and systemic
discrimination should be addressed and popularized to make progress towards equality