Factors influencing age at first marriage in Uganda: a case study of the northern and western regions of Uganda
The main objective of the study was to establish the factors that determine age at first marriage In Uganda. Data from the 2011 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS) was used in this study. Results from 735 and 1221 women aged between 15-49 years in the northern and western regions that responded to the UDHS study were used to establish the relationship between age at first marriage and the selected characteristics.
This research analyzed the relationship between the dependent variable “age at first marriage” and the selected characteristics. These were; age of the respondent, education level, religion, ethnicity, wealth index, and the type of residence of the respondent. This was done to determine the relationship between age at first marriage and the selected characteristics. The statistics was used to determine the existence of the association.
Education level highly influenced the age at first marriage. Those without any level of education married earlier than those that were educated. As education levels increased among respondents, the ages at which they married also increased.
Residence also influenced age at first marriage. Many rural respondents married below 18 years compared to urban dwellers whose early marriage cases were low. Respondents that were old (40-45 years) married quite earlier than the young ones. And the ones from rich families married later than those from poor families.
The study findings were used to conclude that education, residence and the wealth index of the individuals highly influenced their age at first marriage. However religion of the respondent was found to be of little or no influence on the age at which that individual married.
Recommendations made from the study included government putting more emphasis on promoting girl child education. This was recommended because education delays age at first marriage. Girls stay in school and complete their studies instead of getting into marriage. This delays their age at first marriage reducing their fertility levels at large.