Design and fabrication of waste food shredder machine
Organic waste is biodegradable fraction of solid waste that comes from either animal or plants
materials. This waste is mainly composed of food, paper, wood, sewage sludge, kitchen waste and
yard waste(Singh et al., 2020) with food waste being the most active fraction (Adhikari &
Barrington, 2006). About 32% of the food produced for human consumption in the world is wasted
or lost, which has been recently estimated to have reached up to 1.3 billion tons annually (Liu,
2016). This quantity is amounting to approximately a carbon footprint of 3.3 billion tons of CO2
equivalent greenhouse gas released in to the atmosphere and up to USD $750 billion direct annual
economic loss.
As the waste are dumped, it takes more time to degrade and it causes environmental pollution.
Hence the shredder machine is used for shredding i.e., converting of macro agriculture waste and
food waste into small easily decomposable form, which can be used as organic manure. The small
size waste will decompose faster than the large or macro size waste. This decomposed waste can
be used as fertilizers for the crops and this leads to improving in the growth and quality of the
crops and also improving the soil chemical properties such as supply and retention of soil nutrients,
and promotes chemical reactions.