Analysis of the factors associated with domestic violence in Uganda: a case study of Kitgum district.
The study aimed to identify the different forms of domestic violence, identify the main factors that lead to increase in domestic violence in Uganda, identify the strategies of minimizing domestic violence among families in Uganda.
The study was carried out basing on the use of quantitative and descriptive designs to establish the forms, factors that lead to domestic violence among people of Kitgum. To answer the objectives. Respondent were asked questions about the demographic characteristics which included age, gender, marital status, education background, factors that lead to domestic violence probe to offenders factors, factors that lead to domestic violence probe to victims factors, ways of reporting of the domestic violence cases and mitigation measures of domestic violence.
Data from 81 respondents, of which 62% were female and 38% were male since more women are victims of domestic violence and are free to talk about it compared to men. 31% of the respondent were on the age group of 31-45 followed by 26% of the respondents who were recoded to be in an age group of 18-30, 25% of the respondents were below 18 and 19% were 46 and above. This is because respondents in age groups of 31-45 and 18-30 were more cooperative and they had been in community for a substantial period of time so they were well informed about their community’s family life. 56% of the respondents were married since people in these communities constantly took on marriage vows, 19% of the respondents were single, 5% were widowed and 21% of the respondents were divorced.
In conclusion, domestic violence was common in this area and it was in form mostly physical injuries, sexual violence, psychological violence and intimate terrorism. The factors associated with domestic violence probe to offender factors were temperamental attitude, substance abuse, witnessing family violence gender ideologies and education, earning employment and positive attitude towards fighting as ones probe to victims factors. The different ways to curb down domestic violence was promotion of girl child education, meditation programs to settle disputes, guidance and counseling, lethality and anger management.