Perceived contributions of emyooga program on socioeconomic wellbeing of women in Nyamahasa sub county, Kiryandongo district
This study investigated perceived contribution of emyooga program on the socio-economic wellbeing of women in Nyamahasa sub county, Kiryandongo district. Specifically, the study was guided by three objectives; to analyse the levels of access and utilization of emyooga funds among women in Nyamahasa sub county and this was measured in three dimensions that is, levels of availability of emyooga funds to the women, levels of eligibility of the processes for applying for the funds, and levels of acceptability. The second study objective was to examine the impact of the emyooga project on the wellbeing of the women. This was also measured from the perspectives of how the program has impacted on its beneficiaries’ household consumption levels, income, savings and investment, health care attainment and education. The last objective of this study was to examine challenges faced by the women while accessing and utilizing the emyooga funds. These challenges were measured not only from the program implementers sides but also within the beneficiaries of the funds and from the community where they live. In this study, participation in the emyooga is an independent variable while socio economic wellbeing of women is a dependent variable, respectively. A descriptive crosssectional survey design was adopted for this study. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative research methodology. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides and documentary analysis of reports from related previous studies supplemented the primary data. The study employed frequency distribution analysis to analyse quantitative data and thematic analysis for qualitative data from key informants. The findings revealed majority of the women accepted the program and had easy access to it because of the existence of special considerations within the emyooga program that prioritizes women to take on the program. Findings from the study indicate that majority of women have been able to utilize the fund effectively whereby majority have tasted positive impacts in that they were able to meet their households’ basic needs, meet their health expenses, educate their children and also start up some income generating activities However, the results from this current study also revealed that extremely high percentage of respondents (58%) have utilized their emyooga funds in farming and majority of the respondents (90%) had spent the funds on consumption of domestic items like salt, food stuffs, among others of their households as reflected in figure 4.10. This could be because the program was implemented during the period of economic depression caused by the covid-19 lock down measures where people were not working to earn a living. xi The women’s lives have changed positively and a few negatively. The positive changes are seen in a way that they had improved their consumption of domestic goods like food stuffs, meet their health expenses, educating their children, and some had started income generating activities. But however, some women faced challenges while accessing emyooga program such as bureaucratic tendency during the program application processes and thus, they remained the same. In so doing, the women suggested for the program to be more beneficial to them, it should be decentralized closer to the parish level.