Emotional exhaustion and work performance among nurses in hospitals in Kampala city
The study entitled Emotional Exhaustion and Work Performance among Nurses in Hospitals Kampala City was carried out in Kampala district where a total of 87 nurses were interviewed. the study undertook a cross sectional research design where simple random sampling was used to select the study respondents. The study had the following objectives to establish the level of emotional exhaustion any employee under the nursing sector in Kampala city, to establish the level of work place performance among nurse employed in hospitals in Kampala city and lastly To examine the relationship between emotional exhaustion and workplace performance among nurses in hospitals in Kampala City. The study findings revealed that there is a negative significant relationship between emotional performance and work place performance. It was further revealed that there was a – significant relationship between emotional exhaustion and contextual performance. Uganda Nurses Union and the government at large must bring up policies which limit employee emotional exhuation, this will help to improve job satisfaction and also discuourage turnover thereby ensuring that employees are committed to their job. This will help in improving their performance