Assessing the management of food waste in restaurants at Makerere university main campus, Kampala district
Food waste is defined as all food produced and purchased that is discarded. Food waste is
produced in all the phases of food lifecycle, i.e., during agricultural production, industrial
manufacturing, processing and distribution. Up to 42% of food waste is produced by
household activities ,39% occurring in the manufacturing industry and 14% occurring in food
service sector (ready to eat food, catering and restaurants) while 5% during distribution. This
study therefore concentrated on the 14% in the food service sector, aiming at assessing the
management of food waste in restaurants at Makerere university. Basically, three objectives
guided the study. 1. To assess the quantity of food waste generated at restaurants in Makerere
university. 2. To assess the different management and storage options of food waste
employed at the restaurants. 3. To categorize the food waste generated at restaurants in
Makerere university. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a mechanical weighing
scale to find out the amount of food waste generated at the restaurants, and also use of guided
observations to observe the management options, storage equipment and disposal frequency
of the food waste. Data was analyzed using spss, to derive percentages and frequencies for
the quantity of the food waste generated. Descriptive statistics were used to find out the
frequencies and percentages of the different food waste management and storage options.
Descriptive statistics were also used to define the various food waste categories based on the
types of food prepared. Results showed that a lot of food waste was being generated during
food preparation with an average mean weight of 8.55 kg compared to plate waste with
average mean of 5.05kg. The most used management option for plate waste was animal feed
with a valid 60.5% compared to landfill at 39.5%. the most used storage equipment were
polythene bags and buckets at 39.5% and 31.6% respectively. The various food waste was
categorized according to type of food type prepared and that was vegetable waste, peels, meat
and bones, dough, etc. The study concluded that Makerere university restaurants contribute
significantly to the amount of food waste generated in Kampala and a lot of waste is
generated during food preparation compared to plate waste, after meals. I therefore
recommend that, precautions be taken by the staff and management at these restaurants to try
and minimize generation of waste during food preparation and also use management options
such as composting through use of compost bins, make sure that the waste generated is also
disposed of on a daily basis.