A bibliography of Ugandan grey literature publications at Ndejje University Library
The aim of the study was to develop a bibliography of Ugandan grey literature publications at Ndejje University library Kampala campus. The objectives include to: identify the services offered by the library, identify the uses of a bibliography to library patrons, examine the importance of grey literature publication, establish challenges faced and to design a way forward for the library that would address the currently faced challenges, derive solutions to issues in grey literature management, develop a bibliography of Ugandan grey literature publications available at NDU library Kampala Campus. Case study was based on literature review which contains the services offered by the library, types of grey literature at NDU library, challenges faced in management of grey literature among others. Purposive sampling and simple random techniques were adopted in the selection of the sample size. Data collection methods included: the interview method and questionnaire method. The research methodology employed was qualitative research approach. This helped in discussing the area of study i.e., Ndejje University Library Kampala Campus, research design, population of the study which was the library staff, researchers and students, sampling method where purposive sampling simple random techniques were adopted in the selection of the sample size, data collection methods including interview and questionnaire methods, data collection instruments, ethical issues, limitations during the study among others. Findings of the study are discussed where the response rate of the respondents to the study is reflected. This includes discussion of importance of grey literature, challenges of the library’s bibliographic programme, solutions to the challenges among others. The Bibliography of Ugandan Grey Literature services was compiled using Word Processing Software. The also contains the conclusions and recommendations to the study.