Construction of television receiver antenna
The study was about constructing a television receiver antenna as a cheaper alternative for receiving signals by the low income consumers in Uganda. The materials and equipment that were used in the construction of television receiver antenna include; Wooden board, iron nails, solder, copper wire, screw driver, tape measure and coaxial cable. A wooden board was constructed and then partitioned into three equal partitions each 22cm long. The copper wires were cut into 8 pieces whereby each piece of wire is bent into V- shape. The V- shaped copper wires were fixed at the respective position of the iron nails. The V- shaped copper wires were connected on the wooden board using insulated wires. The coaxial cable which connects television to the receiver antenna was connected. The antenna was tested by attaching it to HD television using a coaxial cable and the testing was done by using different heights of the antenna above the ground that is to say 100, 200, 300, 400cm. When the antenna was placed at different heights above the ground, the signal strength were recorded. The results showed that very good signals were received especially when the height was 400cm and higher above the ground and poor signals were received at the lowest height of 100cm above the ground. This implies that for effective performance of the antenna and to realize high signal, the antenna should be raised higher than 400cm above the ground and also set in an open place where the signals were stronger.