Attitude of adolescent women towards wife beating on pretext of arguing with husband in urban areas of Uganda among adolescent women
Globally, intimate partner violence is one of the most common forms of gender-based violence,
and wife beating is one component of intimate partner violence. The aim of this study is to examine
attitudes of adolescent women towards wife beating if she argues with the husband in Urban areas
of Uganda. The study first identified the major socioeconomic and demographic factors
influencing adolescent women’s attitude toward wife beating if she argues with the husband using
data from the Uganda Demographic Health Survey 2016. From the study young women were more
likely to justify wife beating than older women, women who had no education were more likely to
justify wife beating than those with secondary+ education level, women in the poor wealth status
were more likely to justify wife beating than those in the richest wealth status and women in
agriculture work were more likely to justify wife beating than those in professional work. Some
recommendations were made from the study including empowerment of women, improving
education of both girls and boys and enforcement of laws against gender-based violence and child marriages.