An impact of poverty and homelessness on children and youth’s well-being in wakiso district: a case study of Kajjansi Town Council.
This research took place in Kajjansi Town council in Wakiso district the purpose of the study was to find out the impact of poverty and homelessness on children and youths of Kajjansi. The research analysed , and deep research was carried out to evaluate, the impact of poverty, and homelessness on children in Kajjansi town council wakiso district .The study recommended some solutions on how to reduce and respond to the problem . The researcher tried to find out the origins of these problems, observed the effects of the problems on the targeted population’s wellbeing and made research to know the gravity of the situation and how to overcome it. the researcher collected qualitative data , literature review was conducted and other spheres. It has been proved that wakiso district has a high rate reported cases of children who sleep alone side the roads in Kajjansi, some cant go to schools due to lack of funds, some are orphans, many others ask for money to people passing alongside due to poverty and some gets knocked by passing cars, abused by passing passengers and some youths have been reported to be sent to steal and kill for money where by many young girls have been involved in prostitution to please older man for money and shelter others have been abused sexually by strangers , they keep on asking for money on the streets with their babies hence the study was conducted to analyse how these issues have affected children in Kajjansi and how the situation can be improved.