An analysis of the significance of metaphors in riddling: a case study of selected Soga riddles
This study seeks to better understand the role metaphors play in Soga riddles. The anecdotal riddles, joke riddles, and logical riddles were the three kinds of riddles that were analyzed and classified for this study’s 45 riddles. The typical outcome of the metaphoric riddles is for the person solving the riddle to predict the sequent given the precedent. Three specific goals and three research questions were developed and the study was carried out in several locations throughout the Busoga region with a sample size of people who were chosen for the interviews.
The research showed that many Soga riddles are metaphoric and that the practice of riddling serves a variety of purposes as a result of the metaphoric feature. The riddles were initially collected in Lusoga and afterwards translated into English. In the light of this research, it is advised that children only encounter riddles that make sense to them.