The role of social media on voters decision during students campaigns in Makerere University
This study worked with the topic ‘The role of social media platforms in influencing voter’s decision during campaigns in Makerere University’ which was to investigate role of social media platforms in influencing voter’s decision during campaigns in Makerere University. A case study of Makerere University. The intention of the study was to justify how social can be efficiently used in influencing voter’s decision during campaigns. The main objective of the study was to examine the role social media platforms in influencing voter’s decision during campaigns in Makerere University. The study was also based on other objectives such as; to retrieve messages used on social media platforms as a voter’s solicitation during the 2020-2021 campaign, to find out students who use social media to campaign in Makerere University. The growing problem wouldn’t be eliminated if people were not revealed importance of good color application with the help of the professionals. The research methodology employed in the study was descriptive survey designs, this adopted both qualitative and quantitative data. The study population was selected at random, the data collection techniques included; questionnaires and interviews. Whereas chapter one and two explains the role using social media to influence voter’s decisions during campaigns through citations and literatures of different authors, the methodology explains how the proposed study was fulfilled. This was through data collection methods, conclusions, advantages and limitations of the surveys. In addition, the description of the forecasted qualitative and quantitative analysis methods was necessary to complete the research objectives provided. The outline of this chapter is as follows; explanation of the conceptual model development; research design; research approach; sampling method; Data collection methods; data analysis and anticipated limitations. The next are the findings presented quantitatively on how the researcher attained most of the data that was later discussed qualitatively to get meaning, these was based on the different characteristics, status, attributes of the respondents. Discussion of the results, conclusion and recommendations comes as the final.