Differences in creativity
The major objective of this study is to investigate the differences in creativity between jewelry making students at MTSIFA in Makerere University and craft makers along Buganda road. The study was investigated following specific objectives; to analyze the creativity levels at MTSIFA and Buganda road craft makers, to explore the different materials used in both areas of MTSIFA and Buganda road, to examine the different techniques used to make jewelry at MTSIFA and Buganda road. This study aimed to identify the differences in the creativity levels between jewelry made at MTSIFA and that at Buganda road. Data was collected by interacting with jewelry students at MTSIFA and craft makers at Buganda road with the guide of a questionnaire, interviews and observation. 16 respondents were interviewed by the use of a questionnaire which included both open ended and close ended questions. From the findings it was revealed that jewelry made at MTSIFA has a big difference in its creativity since it is done following the design process, uniqueness in its creativity through using different techniques, emphasizing more details, being innovative and the type of materials used compared to craft jewelry that focuses on the market level, use of internet for inspirations, making of several pieces due to the high demand of a particular design hence acquiring motivation and interest. Through the interviewing method that involved 14 interviewees, jewelers at MTSIFA revealed the techniques they use which include; modeling, etching, riveting, polishing, saw line piercing, doming, and texturing, forging etc. While those used by craft makers included; coiling, assembling, bead work, wood carving. Through observation method, materials used at MTSIFA included; acids, sheet metal, and those got from the surrounding while craft jewelers use materials like beads, wire, shells, wood, gorse wire, precious stones etc. Through these findings its observed that jewelry made at MTSIFA is of high quality compared to that made at Buganda road due to the high levels of creativity used when making it.