Analyzing of the records filing system at Finance Department of SOS Children’s Village Kakiri
The research was carried out at SOS Children’s Village Kakiri. It focused on the filing system used in the Finance Department. It shows how poor filing system can affect management of records in the Department hence affecting transactions. It focuses on records created and kept in the Department, filing systems, problems encountered and the possible solutions. The methods while getting the findings included interviews and observation. The study involved a sample of 6 respondents that is 1 Chief Cashier, 1 Filing Clerk, 2 Accountants and 2 Assistant chief cashiers. The findings indicate that numeric, chronological and subject filing systems are mostly used in the Department. Misfiling of files can delay decision making, loss of important documents, misplacement of records and many other challenges delay the evaluation of filing system in Finance Department
Analysis and discussion of results reveal that filing system need to be improved in order to ease searching and returning of information and appropriate recommendations are suggested in order to improve on those filing systems thus providing alternatives to the problems