The Covid 19 disruption and changing religious practices in Uganda
This dissertation investigates and describes communication and how COVID 19 as a pandemic disrupts the religious practices and rites in Uganda. It also presents the significance of the study which helped to find out the effects of the pandemic on how people communicate in their religions. The dissertation further presents the reviews of different authors about COVID 19, the emerging issues in the literature in that the literature ignores the Islamic faith and focuses mainly on Christianity. So the literature review mainly entails the Christian faith and bits of the Islamic faith. The third chapter presents the methodology of the study which took a qualitative research using the key informant interviews, the case study and in-depth interviews, ethical considerations where the researcher had to seek informed consent of the respondents, ensuring that they are not harmed and their information is kept with the highest level of confidentiality. And Chapter four presents the analysis of data and interpretation discussion and findings where respondents provided their views of the effect of the pandemic on the different religions:. And the last chapter presents the summary of findings and discussion and the limitations the researcher faced while carrying out the research and references.