Covid 19 coping strategies and the psychosocial situation of parents in relation to their work life balance in Kampala central division
Global evidence showed that the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated lockdown measures to curb its spread had devastating impacts to society both in social and economic terms. Though recovery efforts were advanced; especially in the post-pandemic era, it was evident that several studies and policymakers had ignored a focus on how the pandemic affected the psychosocial situation of people especially working parents. This formed the purpose of this study that explored the relationship between COVID-19 coping strategies and the psychosocial situation of parents in relation to their work-life balance in Kampala Central Division. A mixed research approach was used involving 285 respondents obtained in Kagugube parish. Study findings documented that parents experienced several negative impacts such as family distortion and stress and thus efforts were urgently needed to support the socioeconomic recovery of such people in the post-COVID-19 era. The findings showed a positive correlation between COVID-19 and psychosocial situation with a level of significance at r=0.39. The correlation between COVID-19 and the work-life balance is r 1.00 representing a very strong correlation.