Perceived organizational support and work engagement. Industry: primary school teachers
Primary school teachers play a significant role in the employment system because they
provide support and all the technical skills needed for both the employer and their clients. Their
work engagement becomes the foundation of facility functioning, encompassing both meeting
organizational goals but also meeting the expectations and needs of the employer’s. the purpose
of our study is to examine the relationship between perceived organizational support and
work engagement of primary school teachers and the deeper mechanisms in the form of behavior
that may positively influence this relationship. Data collection was carried out in the form of a
questionnaire survey in the period of September 2022 sampling 93 respondents from primary
school teachers of different primary schools. The SPSS method was used to enter data, frequencies
and percentages were used to analyze H1 and H2 and Pearson correlation was used to analyze H3.
The findings indicate that perceived organizational support among respondents was high, work
engagement was high and there was no significant relationship between perceived organizational
support and work engagement. Head teachers and supervisors should ensure proper observation of
engagement indicators such as vigour, dedication and absorption so that they are not using workers
who don’t enjoy their work, not committed and ensure there’s no underperformance. To the
participants(teachers), I recommend that they should attend workshops and seminars so that they
can feel more support from the organisation and feel like they’re part of the family