Determinants of household income in Mafubira Sub-county Jinja District
The main objective of this study was to establish socio demographic and social economic factors that determine the average monthly household income of Households in Mafubira Sub-County Jinja District. A cross-sectional and quantitative study approach was adopted for this study and analysis was done in 3 stages using STATA V 15.0. Data analysis was carried out in 3 stages and this was Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis.
From the univariate analysis, 72% of the HHs surveyed were headed by males and 28% headed by females, 73% of the household heads surveyed stay in rural areas, 27% stayed in urban areas, mean age of respondents was 34.98 years and majority were aged between 26 and 35 years. 52%were married followed by widow/widowers (32%), 19% were single but taking care of their relatives and other family members 13% were cohabiting. 31% of the household heads completed secondary level 28% had completed primary level, 19% and 12%
pursued certificate/diploma and bachelor’s/master’s degree respectively whereas only 10% household heads were illiterate or never studied.51% were peasants/farmers, 26.5% employees,16% casual laborers whereas 5% were technical personnel. 47% generated their income from self-employment, 26% from paid employment and 16% is generated from ownership of properties whereas only 10.5% from social assistance pensions and benefits and interests and dividends. On HH income, 40% of the household’s monthly income range from 250,000 to 500,000 UGX, 29.5% were earning below 250,000 UGX, and the least (30.5%) earned above 500,000 Ugandan shillings.
Under the bivariate analysis, Pearson Chi-Square was used and sex of the HH head (X2=5.88, P= 0.017), Education level of the HH head (X2= 7.08, P= 0.042) were significant at this stage.
In the multivariate analysis stage, Multinomial Logistic regression was used and sex of the HH head (OR=0.645, P=0.018), Education (OR=1.310, P=0.009), age of the HH head
(OR=1.310, P=0.047), and source of income (OR=1.458, P=0.012) were the factors affecting HH income in Mafumbira Sub County. Findings indicate the need for government for workers to beless taxed, provided with additional benefits, additionally, the government should increase its expenditure on households like provision of education, tax holidays, and these would result into increase in household income in the area.