Implementing device to device Communication using software defined radios on 4G Cellular systems
With the development of the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), cellular communication has reached 4G standard supporting increased speeds and bandwidth. With the advancement
tending to 5G, a large number of devices have been on the rise particularly short range devices
supporting data intensive applications such as Machine Type Communication, Vehicle to Vehicle
Communication, real time gaming. These applications cause traffic over the base station. As a
result, there has been delay in response to user requests. Device to Device (D2D) communication
is a key solution to ensure a better spectral efficiency in the cellular spectrum. There have been no
working test beds. This report explains the details of the steps taken to establish a test bed to implement D2D using srsRAN Open Source software and Software Defined Radios. The performance
of D2D in comparison with cellular communication is discussed in this project.