prevalence of extended spectrum beta-lactamase (CTXM and tem) drug resistance genes among klebsiella pneumoniae and e. coli isolatesfrom Entebbe
The prevalence of extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) genes specifically CTXM and TEM, among Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from Entebbe regional referral Hospital,Uganda was investigated in this study. We collected 32 Klebsiella pneumoniae and E.coli isolates from patients not responding to treatment at the hospital.We did molecular detection of antibiotic resistance genes on all 32 isolates. Out of the 32 isolates, 7 were found to carry the TEM gene, and the prevalence of the gene was 21%. 1 out of 32 isolates (3%) was found to carry the CTXM gene. After doing gel electrophoresis, the size of the TEM gene was 800 base pairs using the 100 base pair ladder. The size of the CTXM gene was 600 base pairs using the100 base pair ladder.