Socioeconomic background, stress and academic engagement among undergraduate students at School of Psychology Makerere University
The major purpose of the study was to assess the relationship between Social economic Background, Academic Stress and Academic Engagement among Undergraduate Students at School of Psychology Makerere University. The specific objectives of the study were to find out whether socioeconomic background and stress are related, to assess whether stress and academic performance are related and finally to examine whether socioeconomic background and academic performance are related. A Correlational study design was used in the study to establish the relationship between socioeconomic background, Academic stress, and Academic Engagement among the Undergraduate Students at School of Psychology Makerere University. The University students faced a problem of balancing student-work life as some found a hard time accessing study materials due to financial constraints, with some of these resorting to getting part time jobs to make ends meet while they study and also to supplement on the little money they got parents or as funded by the government through merit, district quota or disability scheme scholarships. The study, then investigated the various factors which could explain how best students at the university can be best supported to reduce academic stress from financial constraints as well as keeping them academically engaged.