Analysis of effect of African swine fever on status of pig farming in Luwero district, Wobulenzi town council
The major purpose of this research study was to analyse the effects of Africa swine fever on
status of pig farming in Wobulenzi town council Luwero district. The production
characteristics of farmers tend to change and the marketing characteristics. The
characteristics of farmers ,production characteristics and marketing where the objective of
study .acrosssectional design,a sample size of 97 farmers was selected using arandom
sampling method .data was selected using structured questionairs .A d escriptive statistics
method was used to analyze the objectives with the help of frequency distribution tables and
bar graphs were used to present the information.According to the results, males dominated in
piggery production, most farmers were Anglicans, 35-45 age group had the highest
percentage, respondents had at least attained primary education, respondents had three
sources of food and piggery being most source of food before the outbreak of African Swine
Fever, Most of the respondents had crop growing as their source of food during African
swine fever. The results also showed that piggery contributed greatly to farmers income
before the outbreak of African Swine fever and the percentage contribution of piggery as a
source of income declined to 12.8% during the outbreak of African swine fever, Respondents
had four sources of capital and they include; savings, loans, donations and gifts and savings
was the main source of capital for most of the respondents , Crop growing had the highest
percentage income contribution to the respondents’ source of income, and respondents source
of income slightly increased during the outbreak of African, After the outbreak of the
disease, piggery contributed the most to respondents’ source of income with followed by crop
growing with and salary had the least percentage.. Most farmers started with 2.9 pigs before
African swine, had a mean number of 6.9 pigs during African swine fever and after had a
mean of3.3 pigs. The mean feeding time for pigs was 2.7 times a day, farmers who buy
mixed feed in piggery had the dominant percentage, before African swine fever most pig
farmers had crossbreed pigs, during African swine local breeds had a highest percentage and
after African swine fever local breed had the dominant percentage.
farmers through mass sensitization on biosecurity measures so as to prevent the outbreak of
African swine fever, provide feed subsidy so as to promote the use of mixed feeds by pig
farmers and also put strict measures on pig markets during outbreak of African swine fever
so as to reduce on its spread to other pig farms