Assessing the impacts of urban growth on surface water pollution; A case study of Murchison Bay catchment in Kampala metropolitan area
Uganda is having a population growth increasing at an estimated rate of 3.1 percent as per 2010 census. This rate of population growth has led to the development of many urban centers with all their characteristics that has led to an increase in the rate of surface water pollution. This study was carried out to assess the impacts of urban growth on surface water pollution in the Murchison bay catchment in the Kampala metropolitan area. This was done by collecting water samples from the Kinawataka stream, Nakivubo Channel and at Murchison bay in Luzira and the samples were taken to the laboratory for physio-chemical analysis for parameters like BOD, pH and total phosphorous. The findings from the study showed that there is still pollution in the water channels especially from the Nakivubo channel mainly due to the many number of industries that release their wastes into the channel. The study also showed that there is some precaution being taken to control the surface water pollution as most of the parameters from the different sampling points where within the accepted National Standards for Effluent Discharge. The study recommends for protection of wetlands as they act as natural purifiers and filters for waste water and for industries to treat their waste water before releasing into the streams