Assessment of fish marketing in Nyakiyumbu and Bwesumbu sub-counties in Kasese district
The study was undertaken to assess the marketing of fish in Bwesumbu and Nyakiyumbu sub-counties. The study was conducted from July to Oct 2022. The study objectives that formed research questions were mainly: To investigate the consumption patterns and determine the marketing of both capture and farmed fish in the selected sub-counties of Bwesumbu and Nyakiyumbu. A good number of fish consumers/traders were obtained from the two sub-counties in the marketplaces of katoho, Kayanja, Mushenene, in Nyakiyumbu and Kajole, Kamwani, Kyatoka, and Mbata in Bwesumbu. A total of 300 fish consumers and 23 fish sellers residing and trading in the mentioned 2 sub-counties were randomly selected using a pragmatic approach, and data was gathered using a structured questionnaire interview. Descriptive statistics excel spreadsheet compatibility mode. Findings indicated that the proportion of women among consumers interviewed was high than that of men in both sub-counties with 52.6% and 46% representing men and 47.3% and 54% representing women in Bwesumbu and Nyakiyumbu respectively. most traders (52.1%) were females, aged (> 41years), with completed primary as the highest education attained. The most consumed fish product was Nile tilapia sold fresh in Nyakiyumbu and smoked/salted in Bwesumbu. Others consumed included: bagrus, cat fish, propterus, Nile perch carcass and labeo. Both selected sub-counties had both farmed and capture fish supplied to the existing markets. Despite seasons of low supply, larger quantities of fish were marketed monthly and sold in Nyakiyumbu; capture (311.54±50.05), farmed (22.22±1.47) while lower quantities of fish marketed; capture (290±80.55) and farmed (15±5).
Alternatively, during the season of high supply in Nyakiyumbu; capture (758.33±77.33) farmed (90±24.49) while Bwesumbu, capture (460±122.43), farmed (50±0). The average sale prices of fish in Nyakiyumbu were; capture (8230.769±230.77), and farmed (6400±400) while Bwesumbu ; capture (8600±400), farmed (7000±1000) sold per kilogram in Ugandan shillings. Therefore, there more fish is consumed monthly in Nyakiyumbu than Bwesumbu. Equally, differences in marketing of captured and farmed fish exist between these two sub-counties in terms of quantity supplied, prices, means of transportation, and fish forms/products. The variations in consumption patterns and differences in marketing of both farmed and wild fish are attributed to the connectivity of these selected sub-counties to landing sites and urban centers resulting in differences in accessibility, availability, affordability, and stability of fish supplied to markets. However, there is a need to develop a designated marketing system through a marketing strategy that constitutes marketing segments for different fish products and the formation of an organized transport network to allow traders to facilitate the distribution of fish to allow parts of the district without serious challenges.