Challenges faced by the undergraduate students doing applied textile design at Margaret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Art Makerere University
This study covers the challenges faced by undergraduate students at Margret trowel school of industrial and fine art doing applied textile design at Makerere University, background and brief history. The study based on the Purpose of the study which was to examine the challenges faced by undergraduate students doing applied textile design at Margaret Trowel School of Industrial and fine Art in Makerere University. Objectives of the study which were as follows 1. To examine the available studio space and equipment’s allocated for applied textile design at Makerere University and to analyze the student to lecturer ratio at Margret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Art. 2. To examine the relevancy of Applied textile design course content or curriculum to both the students and outside world and suggest recommendations that can up lift the status quo of Applied textile design at Margaret Trowel School of Industrial and fine Art. The research was to benefit the undergraduate applied textile design students by helping them to understand the properties of different materials, dyes and the production process of the textile products. Also to know how to use different machines, tools, equipment’s so that they can compete with the outside world. Chapter one illustrates the introduction of the research back ground information, problem statement, purpose of the study, research objectives, research questions, significance of the study, scopes( geographical, content and time ) and the limitation of the study. Chapter two the researcher made a presentation of the literature review and states the necessary notes and citations in relationship to the topic got from the internet and other written books or documents. Chapter three illustrates the methodology of the study or presents the analytical explanation of the methods that are used to conduct the research which helps the reader to understand how all the information was acquired in the field. It also indicates the methods and materials used to collect data for example questionnaire, observation interview methods and materials like pens, books cameras recording’s used in the field to gather all the necessary information. Chapter four presents interprets and gives a broad discussion of the findings of the study with reference to the objectives, chapter five presents the study conclusion and further research recommendation .References pages and appendixes were also used.