Impact of road development projects on the local community in the albertine region
This study focused on Impacts of Road development projects on the local communities in the Albertine Region. Specifically, the study intended to explore the understanding of people towards Road projects implemented in their localities; examine the existing basis for the Road reserve margin; analyze opinions on compensation measures. The study population was the locals in Bikonzi parish in Masindi district specifically in Ikoba, Kiina and Rukondwa villages. Data of this study was collected through questionna ires, interview, observation and documentary methods. A total of 80 respondents were reached and the data was processed and analyzed using SPSS V26. The research employed a case study approach using qualitative and quantitative methods to examine people’s attitude, impacts and opinions on Road development projects in their local communities. The study on one hand showed positive opinions in the three villages. Furthermore, access to facilities improved, social connections and increase in commercial farming increased in the study areas. Transport quality improved with more choices in modes of transport, individual car ownership increased as well as bicycle acquisition, the project helped increase the number of agricultural jobs and household income. It was al so observed that some locals perceived their Compensation towards land acquisition exploitative and inadequate due to fraud and lack of transparency. Such perception demoralized many residents in the study area. From the residents views the compensation wa s biased as the beneficiaries of the Road project ‘’seems the people were targeted as to who gets more pay and one who gets less.’’ The study recommended sensitization of people about the impact of Road development projects, strategies, implementation and monitoring.