Knowledge, attitude and practices of hand washing among health care workers in Kyegegwa District.
Hanh washing among health care workers has been recognized the single most effective and
low cost means of preventing hospital acquired infection. However, hand hygiene in health care
facilities (HCFs) remains a significant public health challenge. About 16% of HCFs globally lack
hand hygiene facilities at the point of care. Annually, there are many patients who have suffered
from Health Care Infections (HCAIs) in low- and middle-income countries Uganda inclusive. This
is as a result of poor compliance to proper hand hygiene by healthcare workers. These infections
are answerable for nearly 50% of the deaths that occur on the far side a pair of weeks of age.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of hand washing
among health care workers in government health facilities in Kyegegwa district