Design and fabrication of a battery motorized agricultural weeder
In Uganda, most of the people are farmers and agriculture is the backbone of Uganda. Many Shillings are spent in agriculture, but due to weeds, the yield of the crops was drastically falling down. Even though there are losses with insects, worms and from diseased crops. As compared to all these losses, loss due to weeds is high. Most commonly weeds are always grown at where they are not necessary. In my project work I designed and fabricated a battery motorized agriculture weeder to remove and the weeds present between crops. The compelling structure of the weed expelling machine is to limit the time taken for evacuating weed present between the developing plants. The agriculture weeding machines are accessible in the market at different kinds; however, those are expensive and exorbitant to farmers and to work those machines requires a talented individual. There are weeds and undesired plants on the field which devours the nutritious components which are planned for the harvest that will be developed in the field. Right now, we have planned a battery motorized agriculture weeder to remove weed. This weeder works by a high torque dc motor that is controlled by a battery.
INDEX TERMS: Base Frame, Battery, Cutting, Drilling, DC wiper Motor, Welding.