Assessing the effects of male initiation circumcision on youths in Eastern Uganda. A case study of Bumulyanyuma Village (Manafwa District)
Introduction: The government of Uganda developed a policy of safe male circumcision In
January 2010 to be part of basic health ca re service with an aim of reducing the risk of spread
of HIV infection. However, the decision to conduct safe male circumcision carries various
cultural and ethical challenges. Little is known about whether male circumcision
interventions would be acceptable or feasible in traditionally non-circumcising areas of
Africa. Besides all that, those practicing circumcision in the traditional way have failed to
welcome or embrace safe male circumcision as suggested by the government due to strong
beliefs of their culture a factor which has made the circumcising communities to stick on t in
the traditional way though government suggestions and this at times has caused disagreement
with the cultural leaders of the society as the government has tried to putt its ideas into their
culture. The study intends to assess the effects of male initiation circumcision on youths in
Eastern Uganda a case study of Bumulyanyuma village (Manafwa District).
Objective: To assess the. Effects of male initiation circumcision on youths in eastern Uganda
a case study of Bumulyanyuma village (Manafwa district).
Method: An analytical study was carried out using qualitative methods of data collection
where the respondents were interviewed to generate the data in line with the study objective.
A total of 30 respondents were selected around the village for the study.
Results: Despite positive results pertaining male initiation circumcision, perceptions in line
with the culture, there are many effects associated with the practice as the respondents were
able to interact their views and this effects, they say its caused by the perception, about the
practice in most cases. as the result, this affects the youths (male and female), elders and the
community as a whole. All the 30 respondents who took part in the study were ab le to
conclude that the effect does exist in the community. Though the governments and the tribe
its self is trying the best prevent these effects.
Conclusion: The. effects of male initiation circumcision on youths in eastern Uganda a case
study of Bumulyanyuma village (Manafwa district). Remains a question as more needs to be
done in terms of awareness, creation of cultural change in line with the culture, sensitization
of the community elders and leaders how the practice ca n be done in the way which is good,
educating the young people who intend to undergo the rite as far as the practice mc is