Antibacterial activity of undiluted natural honey against opportunistic pathogens causing wound sepsis in humans
The antibacterial activity of honey was tested against Gram positive bacteria
(Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli). Agar well
diffusion was the method used. The honey showed antibacterial activity against tested
organisms with the zone of inhibition (ZOI) ranging from 10mm to 15mm where E.
coli showed 10mm and 11mm for the wild and control strains respectively while S.
aureus showed 14mm and 15mm for the wild and control strains respectively.
Staphylococcus aureus were found to be more susceptible as compared to E. coli. The
dye reduction assay gave minimum inhibitory concentrations value ranges from
7.8125mg/ml to 15.625mg/ml while the minimum bactericidal concentration ranging
from 125mg/ml to 500mg/ml. The study showed that honey has antibacterial activity
(bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect), against the organisms and provides alternative
therapy against certain bacteria.