Factors influencing adherence to treatment of tuberculosis among patients at Masaka Regional Referral Hospital, Masaka District
Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major contributor to the global burden of disease and has received considerable attention in recent years. The main objective of the study was to determine patient related, socio-economic and health facility-based factors influencing adherence to treatment of tuberculosis among patients at Masaka Regional Referral Hospital.
Methodology: This was a quantitative cross-sectional study where data was collected using structured questionnaires and the sample size was 136 respondents. Data was analyzed by software version SPSS 11.50 and presented using frequency tables and figures.
Results: Study findings indicate that age, level of income, level of education, co-infections and side effects among more than 60% of the respondents emerged as key patient related determinants compromising the trend of adherence to treatment among TB patients.
While level of household income, long walking distance, high transport costs and strictness of the employers among more than 50% of the respondents emerged as key socio-economic determinants compromising the trend of adherence to treatment among TB patients.
And poor attitude of health workers, long queues and long waiting time, inadequate manpower, supplies and equipment, according to more than 55% of the respondents emerged as key health facility related factors compromising the trend of adherence to treatment among TB patients.
Recommendations: The government and other stake holders should put in place a policy to address the issue of intensive community health education and incentives for TB patients. The health facility should lobby for increased number of health workers, medical supplies and equipment. Health workers should improve their attitudes towards their patients/clients and patients should always adhere to treatment and always report side effects early.
Conclusion: Both various patient and health worker-related factors emerged as key determinants compromising the trend of adherence to treatment among TB patients. Therefore, national and health facility - based programmes for scaling up adherence to TB treatment should target the patients and health workers for optimum outcome.