Famer’s knowledge of using insects as an alternative protein source for poultry production in Kazo Sub-County, Kazo District
This study explored farmers knowledge of using insects as an alternative protein source for poultry production. The specific objectives were: to determine the varieties of insects reared by farmers, farmers willingness to use insects as an alternative protein feed and challenges farmers faced in using insects as an alternative protein feed. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered to a total of 160 respondents selected by the Krejcie and Morgan method with which 135 men and 43 women females participated. The study found out that local chicken (67%) was the major type of birds reared by most respondent. The majority of the respondents had flock size between 100-499 (72%) and deep litter feeding system (71%) was the most feeding system used by most respondents. Black soldier fly (89.9%) was the major type of insects reared by most respondents followed by worms (13%) and most of them reared their own insects (56.8%) Majority of the respondents grinded the insects (57.9%) before feeding the birds. Majority of the respondents fed their insects on kitchen remains (48%). Most respondents said that insects contain a lot of proteins (64.0%) with majority having the high rate (92%) willingness to rear them. Most of the respondents got their insect parent stock from another famer (75%). Insufficiency and supply of insect feeds (29%) was the major challenge faced in using insects as an alternative protein source. Majority of the respondents buy the insect feeds in bulk (51.7%) to reduce transport cost. Therefore, since the majority of the respondents reared black soldier fly for poultry feeds, regular sensitization of awareness creation on various technologies on the use of insects as an alternative protein source is needed and this will ensure feed security.