Driving inspiration from unscented geranium plant to a cultural wedding crown
This research drew inspiration from unscented geranium plant to fashion a cultural wedding
crown for a cultural ceremony. Unscented geraniums arc edible. They arc put in vegetables. tea
and other foods as spices. They are also used as medicine for different diseases like high blood
Geranium includes different parts like the nowers, leaves, stems, roots and also different textures
of the leaves and shapes. Especially the research is going to deal with the leaf as a speci fie part
on the plant and inspiration to make a cultural wedding crown.
The resean;h demonstrated how the flower was fashioned into a cultural wedding crown for a
cultural ceremony. 1 especially high light people to plant and use unscented geranium since they
play many roles in day today life.
The research was done basing on arguments, methodologies, and techniques to get the
information of a cultural wedding crown for the cultural ceremony which were used to serve
many roles like for decoration, beautifying, uniqueness with in the areas. And materials, tools
used are wires, binders. fabrics. stitching machine etc. that where assembled to come up with the
cultural wedding crown Since its fashion.
The research of unscented geranium plant came up with the cultural wedding crown for a
cultural wedding ceremony.