Knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members on safe water chain manteinance in Posta Ward, Semuto Town Council, Nakaseke District, Uganda
More than half of the diseases burden in Uganda can be prevented through improving water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). In slum communities, water supply is insufficient but also highly contaminated, therefore, ensuring that safe water chain is maintained by households is paramount to preventing water related diseases. Though 89% of the world‘s population had access to drinking water facilities, about 768 million people relied on unimproved drinking water-sources; 83% of them resided in rural areas by the end of 2013 (World Health Organization/ United Nations, 2013).
The major Causes of this tragedy are poor knowledge and attitudes that work against the practices of ensuring water is safe
The study will assess the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of community members of Posta Ward, Semuto Town Council on safe water chain maintenance during collection, transportation, storage and treatment of drinking water in their homes
This will be a cross section study that will use a structured questionnaire and observation checklists to collect data from 257 households in 5 cells in postal ward, Semuto town council.