Substance abuse, psychological well-being and domestic violence among women
The study was to examine the relationship between Substance Abuse, Psychological Well Being
and Domestic Violence among Women. A study adopted a quantitative research approach with
correlational method to determine the relationship between the study variables. The study had 150
respondents who were randomly selected from their places of work. Self-administered
questionnaires were used in data collection process the data was analyzed using the statistical
software package for social sciences (SPSS). Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient
was used to determine the significance of the relationships among variables.
The study revealed that there is a significant relationship between Mental health and Drug abuse
among women (r= .286**, p= .000<0.05).The study also showed that there is a significant
relationship between Mental health and Violence among women (r= .507**, p= .007<0.05).
Finally the study showed that domestic violence and Drug abuse among women (r= .410**, p=