Hand grip strength and anthropometric profile of amateur league male basketball players in Uganda
Aim: To explore anthropometric and hand grip strength profile of amateur league male basketball players in Uganda. Methods: Handgrip strength and anthropometric measures of 72 amateur league male basketball players were measured using established techniques and a hand dynamometer respectively following standard operating procedures. Data was recorded, entered, cleaned and analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2013 and presented in tables. Means, standard deviation, percentages, correlation, ratios were used to describe data. Statistical level of significance was determined at p≤0.05. Results: The average Age, H(cm), W(kg), BMI (kg/m2), FFM (kg), BF (%), BSA(m2), WC(cm), AC(cm), CC (cm), TC(cm), Wingspan(cm), UA(cm), FA(cm),TL(cm), LL( cm), DHGS(kg) and NHGS(kg) was 22.24, 185.3, 76.45, 22.22, 61.31, 19.47,1.99, 79.86, 29.45, 36.60, 50.10, 197.02, 37.92, 30.46, 57.83, 49.88, 73.45, and 66.96, respectively. A significant difference was found between division one and two in parameters of FFM (p≤0.05), BSA (p≤0.05), waist circumference (p≤0.05), thigh circumference (p<0.01), and wingspan at (p<0.01). A strong positive correlation with statistical significance existed between body height and wingspan of basketball players from the study. Conclusion: Generally, first division players had more height, weight, BMI, FFM, body fat (%), BSA, wingspan, body circumferences, lengths and handgrip strength compared to those in division two. However, there was a significant difference in FFM, BSA, WC, TC and wingspan. There was a positive correlation between hand grip strength and height, weight and body fat (%), and a negative one with BMI and FFM in study participants. Recommendation: Physical training and nutritional intervention in second division players could be carried out given that their strength is below that of first division players yet they are within the same age bracket. A planned study investigating the physical attributes of players from the elite leagues such as the national basketball league can be carried out so as to compare these physical attributes and determine what influences success at higher level of play.