Growth performance of Clarias gariepinus larvae under varying stocking density raised in plastic tank
The experiment aimed at evaluating the growth performance in terms of Specific Growth Rate and Performance index and survival of Clarias gariepinus larvae raised in plastic tanks under varying stocking density. Seven-day-old larvae (900 in number) were procured from Kajjansi Aquaculture Research Center and transported to KCCA Farm. They were randomly stocked in plastic tanks at three different densities of 50 fish/litre (T1), 100 fish/litre (T2) and 150 fish/litre (T3) respectively. The fish were sampled every week for twenty eight days. During rearing period, fish were fed on artificial feeds 42% crude protein three times a day on response, as much as 3% of the body weight. The result showed that Specific Growth Rate (SGR) was highest at stocking density of 50fish/litre (12.5±0.1%) and lowest at stocking density of 150fish/litre (11.1±0.2%), and these were significantly different among the three stocking densities (ANOVA: F =30.09, df =2, p = 0.001). Highest survival rate of fish was recorded at stocking density of 50 fish/litre (88.0±1.2%) while fish stocked at 150fish/litre had the lowest survival (64.0±2.7%).The survival also significantly differed among the tanks (ANOVA: F =46.24, df =2, p < 0.05).
Fish at a stocking density of 50 fish/litre had the highest performance index (0.058±0.001) while significantly lower (0.039±0.002) performance was registered at stocking density of 150 fish/litre (F=38.64, df=2, p<0.05).
It is concluded that lower stocking density will increase the survival as well as enhance the growth performance of C. gariepinus Larvae.