Factors associated with intimate partner sexual violence among women in Busoga region
The current study targeted the determinants of intimate partner sexual violence among women of age 15-49. These were identified by using socio-economic factors, demographic factors and behavioral factors with IPSV. The study used secondary data that was collected by (Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). The data was weighted and analyzed at Univariate and Bivariate levels of analysis.
The study showed that women’s age is associated with intimate partner sexual violence; young women have higher risk to IPSV than older women.
Partner’s education level was also revealed to be significant factor to IPSV, this means partner’s education is significant to intimate partner sexual violence by intimate partners.
The stated hypotheses for wealth quintile, place of residence, and alcohol consumption were not accepted.
This means, the research recommends measures that restrict early marriages in order to reduce its risks of IPSV. Counseling and guidance programs should be sponsored by the government of Uganda in order to reduce IPSV.
Legal framework reforms which may strengthen women’s rights, improve existing laws and their implementation can minimize on the vice.
The continuous government effort to extend Universal education to the poor and the disabled groups should be funded and encouraged by the legislators. Among these groups includes the girls that need to be supported from primary at least up to secondary level or even beyond.