An investigation on residents' visual privacy concerns in urban neighborhoods, a case of Naguru ward.
This research conducted, was about focusing on residents' visual privacy concerns in urban neighborhoods, a case of Naguru ward. The research aimed at identifying the locations with visual privacy concerns, causes of visual privacy concerns, the impacts of the visual privacy concerns on reside This study attempts to elucidate causes, impacts and solutions of residents'
A visual privacy in urban neighborhoods and present those preferences to urban designers and architects for consideration in home and neighbourhood design.
The study concludes that new urban zoning regulations should be fully exercised in Naguru ward to alleviate the need for physical alterations by residents seeking to ensure high level of visual privacy.
This research work contains the views of the technical team especially the Physical Planner, and LC 1 Chairman, the residents, the developers and operating within the ward and the different views of the scholars about the research topic that was got from literature view.
The views from the residents, the different scholars and the case studies were used to come up with possible and implementable solutions to the mushrooming visual privacy concerns in Naguru Ward. Furthermore, this research work has five chapters with different themes and in detail aiming to give the readers a much broad picture about the research topic and the findings.