Assessment of Archival records procedures at Luweero District Local Government
The study was undertaken to assess the archival record procedures at Luweero district local government the study was centred on the following objectives; to find out the type of records kept and generated at Luweero district local government, to asses archival procedures like appraisal, retention, and disposal and to find out the challenges of managing archival records at the district. The study adopted case study design , data was gathered through interviews, 8 questionnaires were issued, and observation.
The revealed that few respondents were aware of the archival record policies, the storage equipment used to keep the archival records such as open file cabinets exposed the records to disasters such as dust, also the space was not enough to accommodate all the records kept at the district.
The study recommended the expansion of the registry, digitization of the archival records, specialized training in archive management and conservation and training of staff in the use of modern archiving software.
Luweero local government should consider digitizing its archival records to warranting their permanent preservation.