Emotional intelligence, occupational stress and employee performance among Makerere University support staff
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between Emotional intelligence, occupational stress, and employee performance among Makerere University support staff. The study was intending to achieve the following objectives; to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and employee performance, to examine the relationship between occupational stress and emotional intelligence and the relationship between occupational stress and employee performance. A correlational study design was used in the study to establish the relationship between Emotional intelligence, occupational stress, and employee performance among Makerere University support staff. The study used a sample of 30 respondents who were obtained using simple sampling technique. Data was therefore collected using self-administered questionnaire and later analysed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists. Descriptive statistics showed that majority were male respondents (70.0%), majority were between 41-50 years (50.0%). Results indicate that there was no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress (r= .051, p=.790), as well as occupational stress and employee performance (r= .106, p=.575). However, results show that there was a positive significant relationship between emotional intelligence and employee performance (r= .592**, p=.001). Therefore, the present study provides a basis and implications for further investigation on relationship between emotional intelligence, occupational stress and employee performance among support staff in different universities in Uganda. It was recommended that the management of Makerere University needs to ensure that it designs polices, create a good work environment to reduce on occupational stress and promote good performance among university support staff.