The impact of physical activity on counterproductive work behaviors among organizational employees
The study intended to find out the impact of Physical activity on Counterproductive Work Behaviors among Organizational Employees. The researcher used quantitative data which was complied, sorted and classified and data was analyzed using statistical package for social scientists (SPSS). The findings from the results indicated that majority of the respondents were males (54.1%) as compared to females who were females with (45.9%). Most of the respondents were of age (30-39 years) and also most of the respondents had spent (1-4 years) in the organization and 63.3% had a bachelor’s degree level of education. A quota sampling technique was used and the sample size included 111 employees. Pearson correlation was used and the findings show that physical activity has a negative significant relationship with Counterproductive Work Behaviors. (-.409**, P>0.01) and therefore the null hypothesis was rejected and concluded that there is a significant relationship between Physical Activity and Counterproductive Work Behavior. Lastly Employers should know how to overcome counterproductive work behaviors from happening among their employees by providing a happy environment for employee satisfaction. Therefore the government and organizations should put in place mechanism that encourage employees to involve in physical activities to keep employees health at work and also to motivate them positively.