Stress and employee performance among secondary school teachers
The study sought not to find out the relationship between stress and employee performance among secondary school teachers. The study intended to achieve the following objectives, to examine the levels of stress, to determine levels of employee performance and finally to find out the relationship between stress and employee performance. A correlational study design was used to establish the relationship between the variables. The study used a total sample of 81 respondents who were selected using simple random sampling technique. Data was then collected using self -administered questionnaires. The researcher analyzed data using statistical package for social scientist version 23 (SPSS). Percentages and Pearson correlation coefficient ® were used to test the hypothesis. Results indicated, moderate levels of stress, relatively high levels of employee performance, a non-significant relationship between stress and employee performance (r= -0.95, p > 0.05) and led that there is a non – significant relationship between Stress and employee performance (r= 0.0095, p> 0.05). Although moderate levels of stress were observed among secondary school teachers, they may not necessarily resolve to employee performance. Several policies should be drafted by organizations to support secondary school teachers’ well-being and dealing with stress management rather than solely focusing on obtaining of making big performances.