The study was to examine the role of motivation on employee productivity in Bugema
University Hospital (Gayaza road) Uganda. The objectives of the study were to examine the
motivation practices in Bugema University Hospital, examine the factors that affect employee
productivity and to also establish a relationship between motivation and employee
productivity in Bugema University Hospital.
Data was collected with the help of a motivation questionnaire by Irum Shahzadi (2014) and
later recorded. The questionnaire which had closed ended questions was used to enable me
collect and assemble data faster which was analyzed by use of the Pearson correlation under
SPSS method.
A sample size of 92 respondents was used out of the 120 staff members. It included 15 from
the medical doctors, 10 from the clinical officers, 23 nurses, 12 administrators, 10 janitors
and 22 outgoing patients. The key motivation factors that were to be used were intrinsic and
extrinsic motivators and others as discussed in the literature review.
Based on the results obtained from the research findings, the researcher realized that for
employees to work hard and increase their productivity they should first be motivated. The
results from the research findings also revealed some ways of motivating employees which
included giving employees enough wages, productivity feedback flexibility given enough
allowances among others as discussed in chapter five.