E-Learning and Covid-19 pandemic in Makerere University, Kampala-Uganda
The research relies heavily on the advancement of E-Learning in the higher institution amidst COVID-19 pandemic and how it boosted. It gives clarity that the existence of digital learning has not just been introduced as many perceive it. However, the outbreak of COVID-19 has become an eye opener to people to know importance and relevance of E-Learning like never before. With the closure of different institutions by different states, the alternative option was left to the technological advancements such as E-Commerce, E-Banking, and E-Learning that enabled in carrying out the day to day activities. The atmosphere of E-Learning is the growth of education where the approach of instruction changes to a blended form of learning that is from teacher centered education to student centered education (Hancock, 2002).
E-Learning involves the use of online platforms like tools used to access studies on different podiums like Google meet, zoom, Skype among others and technologies to enrich learning to learners (UNSECO, 2020)(Ehlers, 2006). E-learning deals with a mixture of both face-to-face and online education where students can access online materials for 24hours (Stern, 2020).. The occurrence of COVID-19 is regarded as a greatest milestone for the practice of E-Learning in the current era and it has been of importance however, a number of challenges have intervened like networks, ignorance about the use of ICT, internet accessibility among others. The research indicates also that both the students and lecturers have different perceptions about it usage. The consequences involved in its activation in learning and the possible solutions uttered to curb the problems so that its existence continues.